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What foods to avoid if you have ovarian cysts

What foods to avoid if you have ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are tiny, fluid-filled sacs that commonly occur in menstruating females. They are painless if minor and resolve on their own. However, if they continue to grow larger, they can give a pinching feeling inside the uterus and ovaries. Larger cysts can potentially cause PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome). PCOS occurs due to hormonal imbalances […]

Things To Expect After A Vaginal Hysterectom

Things To Expect After A Vaginal Hysterectom

Vaginal hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus through the vagina. In this operation, the fallopian tubes along with one or both the ovaries may be removed. A vaginal hysterectomy is the preferred method when the uterus is not significantly enlarged. It is also a minimally invasive method, making the recovery period shorter and […]

Vaginal discharge: what to expect

Vaginal discharge what to expect

During the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, the consistency of vaginal discharge and cervical mucus changes. Women frequently search for physical symptoms, like changes in cervical mucus, as a sign of early pregnancy or to determine if the time is good to try to conceive. Because these early pregnancy physical indications are often mild, they should […]

The right way to fast during Navratri when you are pregnant

The right way to fast during Navratri when you are pregnant

Be it your religious beliefs or a personal choice, many people choose to keep a fast during the nine holy days of Navratri. However, when you have a baby growing inside you, should fasting be considered? Yes, here are some right ways of fasting so that you don’t put yourself or your baby at risk. […]

The Importance Of Mental Stability During Pregnancy

The Importance Of Mental Stability During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings along with it a range of emotions that also impact the fetus, as it constantly gets messages while it grows inside the person. Therefore, it is as important to look after your mental health as it is to look after your physical health. When you are mentally healthy, you will easily be able […]

Some exceptional qualities of march born babies

Some exceptional qualities of march born babies

1. March was the month in which Albert Einstein and Vincent van Gogh were born. You could be raising a boss kid if your child was born in March. Does that pique your interest? March newborns are more likely to be CEOs, according to astrological projections. Some of the most famous people born in March […]

What are the signs of Fibroid shrinking

sign of Fibroid shrinking

Uterine fibroids are painless lumps in 50% of females approaching menopausal age. They are non-cancerous growths. They vary in size. The common symptoms are heavy periods, fatigue, pain and anaemia. Fibroid shrinking or Fibroid degeneration occurs when fibroids grow to the extent that they are devoid of any blood supply and start to break down. […]

Prenatal Yoga And How It Helps In Normal Delivery

Prenatal Yoga And How It Helps In Natural Deliver

Many people fret for weeks, or sometimes even months, while they are ridden with anxiety regarding the process of delivering their baby. However, prenatal yoga is effective when it comes to minimizing this anxiety, as it ensures the possibility of a normal delivery. Labour is unpredictable, and the ability to stay calm and relaxed is […]

Pregnancy Perfection: 10 Supplements To Ensure A Normal Pregnancy

Pregnancy Perfection

Pregnancy Perfection It cannot be countered that your body is the result of what you eat. And during pregnancy, what you put in your body impacts not only you but your child as well. Therefore, you need to improve the quality of the food that you intake and ensure that your body is receiving all […]

Pregnancy brain Here’s what you should know

Pregnancy brain Here's what you should know

You anticipate all of the physical changes that come with pregnancy, such as a growing tummy, swelling calves, and, if you’re lucky, pregnant haemorrhoids. However, there are also conceptual shifts and physiological brain changes that occur in addition to these visible changes. You are not hallucinating things if you are forgetful, absentminded, or just plain […]