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normal delivery

Normal Delivery

When the baby is born through the vaginal canal in the natural way, it is termed as Normal Delivery. When the gynaecologist cuts the uterus to get the baby out, it is termed as Cesarean Delivery. A large segment of pregnant women and their families believe that the doctors and the hospitals perform cesarean delivery unnecessarily. Since the packages for cesarean delivery are higher than that of the normal delivery, they believe that the hospitals earn more money in doing cesarean delivery. This is completely untrue as the hospitals make more money in doing normal delivery than cesarean delivery.

Dr Amita Shah has been propagating the cause of normal delivery over cesarean section during her entire career of more than 25 years. The advantages of normal delivery over cesarean section are numerous. The mother does not undergo any kind of surgery in a normal delivery and therefore there are no future complications. The recovery time in a normal delivery is much shorter and the babies born through normal delivery tend to be healthier.

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For ages the Normal Delivery has been performed without the assistance of any doctor. It was the midwife who would conduct the procedure but the high incidence of maternal and child mortality has made a case for hospital delivery. However the hospitals have to cater to more serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, liver disease etc. The best place for getting normal delivery done is therefore a maternity home. Maternity home is a smaller nursing home with the facilities for doing both the normal and the cesarian delivery if the need arises.

Indications for Normal Delivery

One of the most important factor determining the type of delivery is the position of the baby. If the head of the baby is downwards towards the vagina then the chances of normal delivery are high. If the baby is in Breech position (head of the baby is towards the mother’s head) then the chances of normal delivery are less. However your gynaecologist will guide you about certain exercises during the last month of the pregnancy due to which the position can get changed.

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Dr Amita Shah has always maintained that normal delivery is a good thing for the health of the mother in the longer term. Our gynaecologists prefer normal delivery any day over cesarean section delivery. When the pregnant woman goes into labour, she is shifted into the labour room where a trained nurse assists you all the while. Your gynaecologist will motivate you and assist you in pushing the baby down. As soon as the head of the baby comes out, the gynaecologist will pull out the baby and cut the umbilical cord. The baby is handed over to the paediatrician who would take care of the new born.

In normal delivery the recovery time for the mother is much shorter as compared to the cesarean section delivery. There is no cut in the uterus which keeps the uterus strong for any further pregnancies. There is no blood loss and therefore the need for blood transfusion is avoided even if the mother has low haemoglobin count. When no surgery is done the chances of any kind of infection which might be acquired during the surgery is also avoided. Hospital stay is short and mostly the mother is on her feet on the same day and can go to the toilet on her own.

Best Doctor and Cost

The labour ward at Apollo Cradle hospital is made very tastefully to keep the expecting mothers in a happy and cheerful mood. We also have the option of Labour Delivery Room where the delivery takes place in the room itsef in the presence of your family members. All the equipments required for normal delivery are brought into your room and then removed once the baby is born. Dr Amita Shah heads the Gynaecology Department, having more than 20 years of experience in this field. There are other gynaecologists who are also highly qualified and possess ample experience for doing the normal delivery. The packages for normal delivery at Apollo Cradle range from Rs. 75,000 to 1,25,000.

Indications for Normal Delivery

The charges for newborn resuscitation and vaccinations are in the range of Rs. 10,000 to 20,000 if everything is fine with the baby. However if the baby needs special care like Phototherapy then there could be some more charges associated with these services. If the mother requires consultation and care from some other specialists or blood transfusion then the charges for these would be extra and not a part of the package.

Typically the hospital stay for normal delivery is 2 days. Any extra stay due to some kind of complication would be charged extra from the package. During the extra stay, the doctor fee, medicines, consumables and tests are all charged extra. Go through the package details before admission to the hospital to avoid any kind of confusion at the time of discharge on account of billing. We want the birth of your child to be a memorable occasion and go the extra length to make it a reality.


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