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Cesarean Delivery
Cesarean Delivery mob

Cesarean Delivery

Dr Amita Shah has more than 25 years of experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She has been the head of department at Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurgaon for the last 12 years and now heads the department of obstetrics and gynaecology at Apollo Cradle Hospital, Sector-14 and Miracles Mediclinic, Sector-56, Gurgaon.

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Cesarean Delivery or C-Sec Delivery is never the first choice for our gynaecologists in order to bring your baby into this world. Caesarean Delivery means that the Gynaecologist will give an incision on your abdomen to reach the uterus. Once the uterus is exposed, then the doctor will give another incision into your uterus measuring around 4-6 inches to bring the baby out. If the C-Sec is planned in advance then the incision on the abdomen is given horizontally just below the waistline called `bikini incision’. 

This type of incision is not visible even if you wear Indian dresses like Sari or Lehenga and remains hidden under your clothing. However if the mother or the baby is in distress then the incision on the abdomen is given vertically starting from the navel and going 4-6 inches downwards. In this type of incision, the gynaecologist is able to reach the baby faster as compared to the bikini incision. Once the baby is delivered, the incisions are closed using dissolvable stitches or staplers. Dressing is done at the incision site and the patient is put on bed rest for atleast 2 days. The incisions take around 15-20 days for complete healing but could take longer in diabetic moms.

Indications for C-Sec Delivery

A common perception around the world is that the gynaecologists and the hospitals are pushing for C-Sec Deliveries because they earn more money. This is completely false as the difference between the charges for a normal delivery and Caesarean delivery is just the cost difference. The cost difference is on account of extra hospital stay, OT Charges, extra medicines and the anaesthetist fee. So neither the hospital, nor the doctor gains any extra money by going for unnecessary C-section deliveries.

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The reasons for the Caesarean delivery are both medical and non-medical. Some of the mothers who do not want to go into labour pain opt for c-sec delivery. Some families believe in auspicious timing for the birth of the baby and they also push for Caesarean delivery. However mostly it is the medical reasons which play a crucial role in deciding the type of the delivery. One of the most important medical reason is the breech position of the baby or the loops of umbilical cord around the neck of the baby. Other medical reasons are heavier baby weight, mother’s small pelvis, chronic conditions of the mother, multiple babies, prolonged labour, foetal distress etc.

Dr Amita Shah has been championing the cause of normal delivery in her entire career spanning more than 25 years. This is the reason that more than 60% of the babies delivered by her have been born through normal delivery.

C-Sec Delivery Package

Dr Amita Shah has more than 20 years of experience as a gynaecologist in performing all kinds of deliveries with great success. The package for C-sec delivery at Apollo Cradle ranges from Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 1,30,000 depending upon the category of room chosen. Blood Products and the consultations of other specialists are not a part of the package and would cost you extra if required. If everything is fine with the baby then the charges for baby resuscitation are in the range of Rs. 10,000 – 20,000. This includes the visits of the paediatrician and also the cost of the vaccinations which are given at the time of the birth.

Cesarean Delivery

The hospital stay in the case of Caesarean delivery is 3 days including the day of the surgery. Apollo Cradle is equipped with state of art operation theaters to carry out the most complex of the c-section deliveries with relative ease. Post surgery the mother is kept under observation for 4-6 hours till the effect of anaesthesia weans off after which she would be shifted to her room. Our nurses will take best possible care of the mother and the baby during your stay in the hospital.

After discharge from the hospital you will have to take adequate rest at home so that the stitches can heal quickly. After 15 days you can start normal daily routine work without doing any strenuous activity for another 15 days. You would have to visit Dr. Amita Shah at Apollo Cradle Hospital, Gurgaon or her clinic on follow-up after 7 days from the date of discharge. You should keep your doctor informed if there is any problem like severe pain in the abdomen.

What Our Patients Say About High Risk Pregnancy Doctor in Gurgaon

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is cesarean delivery painful?

There will be no pain, but you may experience feelings such as pulling and pressure. The majority of women are awake and only need to be anaesthetized from the waist down with regional anaesthetic.Dr. Amita is best cesarean Delivery doctor in Gurgaon .

How many days rest after cesarean delivery?

A C-section is a serious operation. Your body, like any other surgery, needs time to heal afterward. Expect to spend three to four days in the hospital following your delivery (longer if issues arise), and give your body up to six weeks to fully heal. You can consult with a cesarean Delivery doctor in Gurgaon to know more.

Do high-risk pregnancies deliver early?

Delivery is indicated at 36-39 weeks or sooner for many women with high blood pressure or preeclampsia, depending on the mother’s health history. Early birth protects the baby from brain damage and other negative consequences. Its better to visit Dr Amita. She is the best High risk pregnancy Doctor in Gurgaon.

What is the most high risk pregnancy?

A woman with a high BMI (more than 30) is deemed “high risk,” as she is more likely to develop diabetes, hypertension, infection, thrombosis, premature labour, and delivery by caesarean section. It’s better to visit Dr Amita. She is the best High risk pregnancy Doctor in Gurgaon.

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