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Guide to breastfeeding

Guide to breastfeeding

Newborn babies are at their most awake immediately after birth, and they have a strong innate need to reach their mothers’ breasts to feed. When placed skin-to-skin on their mothers’ stomachs, newborns can move up to the breast and latch on independently if given the chance. Giving the baby a long feeding right after birth, regardless of how they get on the breast, will set them up for success during the extended slumber time that follows. Call and book your appointment for pregnancy with Dr. Amita Shah who is a renowned gynecologist and obstetrician in Gurgaon.


Breastfeeding can be done in four different positions:

Cross-cradle holds– Place the baby on your chest, sideways, with his tummy turned towards you. Use your left hand to support the baby’s neck and tuck the baby’s bum into the crook of your arm when feeding on your right breast. Use your right hand to support and guide your breast into the baby’s mouth, as well as to reduce suction before removing the infant from your breast. On the left side, switch hands. This is the best starting position since it provides you with the most control over the baby’s head. This may feel weird at first, but it will help you get a jump start in nursing.

Cradle hold– Place the baby on your chest, sideways, with his tummy facing you. Use your right arm to cradle your baby’s head, chest, and torso into you while feeding on your right breast. Check that the baby’s entire body is aligned. On the left side, switch hands. This is ideal for experienced moms who need to use one hand to perform other duties, such as changing the channel or assisting with schoolwork. Of course, as you gain confidence, you can easily swap between the cross-cradle and cradle holds.

Holding the baby vertically facing you is referred to as a football hold. When feeding your baby on your right breast, bring him to your right side and hold him like a football, with your right hand supporting his neck and his body resting on a pillow beside you. If the other two roles aren’t working for you, this is an excellent place to start. This is especially beneficial for larger-chested ladies because it allows for more control over nipple placement.

Side-lying– Of all the positions, this was my best friend. When feeding on your right side, lie down on your right side and position your baby on his left side, facing your breast. While latching, use your left hand to support the baby’s neck. This is ideal for all cesarean section mothers and for when you need to rest. Just be sure you’re not going to hurt yourself if you nod off while feeding. I would recommend doing this on the floor or in a bed where the infant is not at risk.

Breastfeeding and Sleeping Habits

Because having a newborn may throw everything off, sleep is a major concern for new parents. You most likely aren’t sleeping as well as you were before your baby arrived! Overtiredness can aggravate stress, postpartum depression, and emotional outbursts, so try to stay grounded as you handle life while sleep-deprived.

Whether you co-sleep or put your baby to sleep in a crib or cradle, you’re certainly waking up regularly to nurse. Babies’ feeding preferences will vary during the first month. Some newborns will sleep for lengthy periods without waking up to nurse, while others will nurse for hours at a time. You shouldn’t be concerned about your baby’s “regular” routine as long as he or she is healthy.

Two Breastfeeding and Sleeping Tips

Co-sleeping or having the baby in the room at night helps some parents sleep better since they have less distance to travel to feed or comfort the infant. It is critical to base your decision on what makes you feel the most at ease.

You can start storing breast milk using your breast pump so that your partner can feed the baby during the night. This might help you and your partner bond while also sharing the responsibility of midnight newborn feeding. It also allows you to practice setting up and operating your pump.

Please keep in mind that you may be entitled to fresh breast pump supplies such as tubing and bottles every six weeks if you have insurance. It is a good idea to keep an extra supply on hand and to repair any broken parts as soon as possible.

What Is the Best Breastfeeding Diet?

You need to eat well while nursing since your body is working hard to create milk for the baby. You’re burning a lot more calories than usual to generate that milk, so make sure you’re eating properly and staying hydrated. Your infant may also develop responses to items you consume through your milk. Excess gas or discomfort from certain trigger foods, such as the brassica family, which includes broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, is not unusual in babies. Cow’s milk dairy products can potentially cause stomach issues in infants. If your infant has a severe diaper rash, talk to your paediatrician about what’s causing it and whether something in your diet is to blame.

Breastfeeding Diet

Diet and Breast Milk Tips

Lipase, an enzyme contained in human milk, breaks down lipids so your kid can digest them. Lipase is sometimes overproduced, causing your milk to have a strong odour or flavour. Although an overabundance of lipase is not harmful to newborns, some will refuse to swallow it. If you are experiencing this issue, speak with your lactation consultant about what you can do to resolve it. They can advise you on how to safely remove the flavour from your milk.

Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided in excess as they can disrupt your baby’s sleep patterns. It has also been connected to infant colic and acid reflux. Also, avoid eating fish that may have high levels of mercury.

Breastfeeding has so many advantages that most health organizations suggest it for everyone for as long as possible, excluding medical conditions that prevent it.

Breast milk includes antibodies and other components that protect your baby against illness and chronic disease. Breastfeed your baby and support breastfeeding for your child’s healthy life. For breastfeeding counselling, contact Dr. Amita Shah’s global women’s clinic today.

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