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Laparoscopy for fibroids
Laparoscopy for fibroids 2
Laparoscopy for fibroids

What are Fibroids?

Fibroids are the non-cancerous growths of the uterus that usually happens when a woman is of her childbearing age. Fibroids don’t interfere in pregnancy, and doctors can easily cure them surgically. Dr. Amita Shah has spent the last 30 years mastering the art of Laparoscopic Surgeries for complex gynae problems like ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, blocked fallopian tubes, and gynaecological cancers. So, if you are looking for best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon for fibroids treatment, you must consult Dr. Amita Shah once.

Common symptoms of fibroids are:


  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Menstrual periods lasting more than a week
  • Pelvic pressure or pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Constipation
  • Backache or leg pains.
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Fibroids Treatment in Gurgaon

Many treatment options for removing uterine fibroids, like

  • uterine artery embolization,
  • radiofrequency ablation,
  • robotic myomectomy, and
  • endometrial ablation.


Laparoscopy or robotic myomectomy helps in the removal of small fibroids. A laparoscope is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen to remove the fibroid. Doctors can remove larger fibroids by breaking them into small pieces, called morcellation. Robotic myomectomy gives a magnified, 3D view of your uterus, offering more precision, flexibility and agility than possible using other techniques. Laparoscopy is the best and latest technique for removing fibroids as it has fewer complications than open surgery Hysterectomy and endometrial ablation won’t allow you to have a future pregnancy. Also, uterine artery embolization and radiofrequency ablation may not be the best options for optimizing future fertility.

If you’re looking for fibroids treatment in Gurgaon, you are at the right place. Dr. Amita Shah is the top gynaecologist with decades of experience in gynaecology and obstetrics. Her special skills include laparoscopy for fibroids removal. We have the best surgeons and ensure the best laparoscopic surgery at an affordable cost.
We’re just a call away if you are experiencing any menstrual disorder, pelvis pain, heavy bleeding, or searching for fibroids treatment in Gurgaon.

What Our Patients Say About Dr Amita : Gynecologist in Gurgaon

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can a 7 cm fibroid be removed laparoscopically?

Using this technique, a 7-cm myoma can be thoroughly coagulated in 20 minutes. After 18 months, we have seen fibroid reduction comparable with that achieved by laser laparoscopic coagulation. When patients are treated with depot leuprolide, fibroids are reduced to about 20% to 50% of pretreatment size.

What size fibroid can be removed laparoscopically?

Most experts believe that about 9-10 centimeters (about 4 inches) diameter is the largest size fibroid that should be removed laparoscopically.

How long does it take to recover from laparoscopic fibroid surgery?

You may need about 1 to 2 weeks to fully recover. It’s important not to lift anything heavy for about 1 week. Your doctor may talk to you about when you can have sex and when it’s safe to try to become pregnant.

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