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Laparoscopy FAQs

Laparoscopy FAQs

Who may want this procedure?

Women with persistent symptoms, ovarian abnormalities, or a high genetic risk of ovarian cancer.

What is surgical menopause?

It brings on an abrupt cessation of hormone flow that will often necessitate Hormone replacement therapy

Is this a dangerous procedure?

Though uncommon, infection, bleeding and hormonal imbalances, if both ovaries are removed.

What are the advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery over Open Surgery?

This includes:

  • Scar size smaller
  • Pain minimal
  • Healing quicker
  • Chance of complications low

How long is the recovery?

Most patients regain normal activity after 1-2 weeks.

What are the symptoms that require oophorectomy?

It may be needed due to chronic pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, bloating, or an irregularity found on an imaging study.

Why is this surgery performed?

This procedure is conducted for treating issues such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or cancer. However, it is also conducted for precautionary reasons.

What is laparoscopic oophorectomy?

It is a minimally invasive surgery where the doctor removes one or both ovaries using small incisions.

What should I expect during recovery from laparoscopic surgery?

After laparoscopic surgery, you can expect less pain and a quicker return to your daily activities compared to traditional open surgery. Most patients experience smaller scars and a lower risk of post-operative infection.

Is laparoscopic surgery more expensive than open surgery?

While the initial cost of laparoscopic surgery may be slightly higher, it is often more cost-effective in the long run due to faster recovery times, which means less time away from work and daily activities.
