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When and how to take a pregnancy test

When and how to take a pregnancy test

A pregnancy test looks for the presence of a chemical called human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s blood or urine (hCG). The placenta produces this hormone. Throughout pregnancy, the placenta transports oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s bloodstream to the developing baby. hCG levels in a pregnant woman’s blood and urine grow dramatically during the […]

How to reduce risks of ovarian cancer

How to reduce risks of ovarian cancer

There is no way to ensure that you will not develop cancer in your ovaries, peritoneum (the tissue that lines your abdomen), or fallopian tubes. Most women have a one in 70 chance of developing one of these three cancers at some point in their lives. One risk factor is ageing; the average age at […]

How to maintain healthy vaginal hygiene

How to maintain healthy vaginal hygiene

Intimate hygiene is all about keeping your private parts clean and hygienic, as the term suggests. Many women are unaware of the difference between intimate and regular cleanliness and do not adhere to the basic guidelines for preserving a healthy vaginal. Vaginal secretions that are clear and white are typical. Certain glands in the cervix […]

How to cure PCOS problems permanently at home

How to cure PCOS problems permanently at home

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a complicated health problem that affects women of reproductive age. It’s an endocrine condition that causes the body’s levels of androgen (a male hormone) to rise. According to medical studies, PCOS can be caused by either hereditary or environmental causes. While there is no one-size-fits-all therapy for PCOS, making lifestyle […]

How Does Your Diet Help You Conceive Naturally

How Does Your Diet Help You Conceive Naturally

As times change and the world moves rapidly towards modernization, natural conception has become difficult for couples due to changes in their lifestyles and diets. About 15% of couples deal with fertility issues, making the road to parenthood a huge challenge. However, there are a few moderations one could make to their diet to increase […]

How Can You Benefit From A Holistic Pregnancy

How Can You Benefit From A Holistic Pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth are unquestionably physical processes, but they also signify a significant life transformation. The changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth have an impact on your entire life, including your identity, relationships, values, and beliefs. It’s only natural to think about your body, mind, and spirit during pregnancy and childbirth. Thus, a holistic […]

Gynae issue – Vaginal Water discharge Everything you need to know

Gynae issue - Vaginal Water discharge Everything you need to know

Vaginal water discharge is a clear substance produced by the cervix. It keeps the vaginal passage moist and free from bacteria. It is clear, white and odourless. It is produced by the glands inside the cervix (neck of the womb) Periodic variations are seen in the vaginal discharge, which is normal. There can be a […]

Effective Yoga That Boosts Fertility

Effective Yoga That Boosts Fertility

The feeling of having exhausted all options comes naturally to people who have been struggling with infertility. The stress of treatments, their costs, and yet their ineffectiveness can weigh on your conscience, making it all the more difficult for you to conceive. In such a case, yoga proves beneficial, as research has shown the positive […]

Common Health Problems Faced by Women After Delivery

Common health problems faced by women after delivery

Motherhood is a beautiful journey but a challenging one. Holding a little one in your arms for the first time makes everything worthwhile. Your body has gone through significant lifestyle changes in these nine months. As you are preparing for your new role, this blog will help you prepare for what lies ahead: Women after […]